'Water for Elephants' for the month of April.
We are kicking off our first official meeting on Wednesday evening, 5 May, 2010 at 7:30pm.
Novel Tea 'n Pages Book Club will continue to meet on the first Wednesday evening of each month at 7:30pm.
'Water for Elephants' is an interesting tale to begin our meetings with. It is colourful and well-written and certainly has a meaty storyline. I am sure our members will enjoy reading this book and I am looking forward to hearing their thoughts at our first meeting.
I am enjoying reading this book for the second time through. It is interesting to rediscover things I've forgotten, and discover things I'd missed from the first reading. Reading a book again is a great way for me personally, to peel back the layers, delve deeper and refresh my memory.
I look forward to meeting with our new members on the 5 March...so until then,
happy reading...
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