Thursday, March 3, 2011

Novel Tea 'n Pages Book & Writers' Club - Writers' Workshop

Saturday, 12 March: Writers' Workshop.
9:00am - 11:00am
Chandler Qld

Saturday, 12 March, 2011, Novel Tea 'n Pages Book & Writers' Club will host its very first Writers' Workshop. This workshop is open to all Book Club members, however, we are an open club and welcome new members.

Once a month Writers' Workshop will meet every 3rd Saturday of the month, and will complement Book Club, every 1st Wednesday of the month. It is open to anyone who loves to write or is interested in the writing process and would like to develop their skills, share and receive constructive feedback from an objective group of individuals.

New members are most welcome.

This is a great way to meet with other like-minded people, share your passion or writing projects and grow in skill together.

The Process:

Our first meeting will be a time to meet with others to share the objectives we'd like to receive from a workshop each month. This is the time we will share our ideas and indicate the projects we will be working on. Members will participate in a short writing exercise to help improve their skills and encourage spontaneous writing.

Why attend Writers Workshops?

Meeting up with others is a great way to share your craft, ideas and passions, rather than keeping it all to yourself. Writing is meant to be shared. It is a great way to discuss and learn more about the process and gain confidence. It is also an excellent way to mix socially and grow friendships.

If anyone is interested in joining, there are a limited number of places left for the first Writers' session. Please contact Deb Smith via blog (comments), face book (inbox) or email for further details.

So, if this sounds like you, please contact us. We are looking forward to meeting some new writing buddies...

until then...

happy writing...


  1. Our first writer's session was such a great morning. To be able to share common vision with like minded people was really inspirational. I've often wondered how to start this dream of mine and now I think I've found the door.

  2. Thank you for leaving our very first comment. I hope you have found the door too. I look forward for more inspiration to follow at our second meeting.
