'Jacob William Giles was born on 20th January 2011, five weeks early and
weighing 2.57kg (that's 5lb 11 oz).
He took us by surprise but fortunately was perfectly healthy for a premature
baby, and just needs fattening up.
Mum and bub were allowed home after four days in hospital and Jacob is now
feeding every 2-3 hours around the clock. Already his little calves are
getting some muscle shape and those cute little wrist and ankle wrinkles are
appearing. He is a champion feeder - knew what to do first time - and is a
very calm baby who feeds, sleeps and poos on cue.
It's been a whirlwind few weeks. We moved house back to Ashgrove a week
before Jacob arrived, and there were unpacked boxes everywhere when we
rushed off to the hospital in the middle of the night. David worked like a
Trojan to get the house sorted for our home-coming.
We've spent the last week at home together (all six of us, including pussy
cats) and are finally getting settled. Our back deck overlooks leafy
treetops and is very private and quiet even though we are only 200m from
Ashgrove central shops and supermarkets. David cooked up some steaks on the
barbie tonight and we enjoyed dining on the deck, listening to the cicadas
whirring and possums rustling in the trees.
David goes back to work tomorrow so then the fun starts, looking after an
active toddler and newborn. However, I am very content with 'my boys' and
there is nothing else I would rather be doing right now.
Joshua is developing fast and said a five word sentence yesterday, "That fan
on please Daddy". He is 20 months old now. He loves vegemite sandwiches,
his sit-in car (push-along with feet), steep slides and big swings, anything
that spouts/holds water (taps, hose, cat bowl, swimming pools, water
fountains), and of course he loves his Baby Brother.'
Congratulations Cheryl, David, & little Joshua on the safe arrival of baby Jacob. Novel Tea 'n Pages Book Club & Writers members wish you every happiness.
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