Choosing a new novel is an intimate decision. Something about the cover, the title, the look and feel of the book helps us to make our final decision of whether to read it or not. Maybe the way a book smells or the way it feels in our hand draws us into its unique journey or makes us replace it back on the shelf. The opening lines and first couple of paragraphs may be the lure to hook and reel us in...but once the decision is made to begin, a journey is set in motion, enveloping us in excitement and intrigue.
Another exciting time is when a decision is made to commit some time to a new project...and, for me, today is one such time.
This year is already shaping up to be a big year on a personal level, with an engagement party looming, and sprinkled throughout the remaining year, a twenty-first, a wedding, and another birthday of significance. For me the commencement of a new part-time job in the role as a Primary Learning Extension teacher at a large independent Christian school teaching Creative Writing to switched-on kids is a step back into a smidgeon of routine, which I haven't really had since completing my uni course. I think having a job helps me to keep to some sort of routine, so I don't fritter my life away.
I know this year is going to be busy and yet, I still believe I need to set aside some committed time to feed my own creative juices.
I meet regularly with three gorgeous friends who are interested in similar things to me. They all enjoy writing. We met at university whilst we were participating in a creative writing course. My course was a full-time post-graduate diploma in Creative Writing which I thoroughly loved. Upon graduating and finishing uni, my friends and I decided to make a pact to continue to meet up on a social basis with the option of sharing our work and interests. So far, we have managed to meet up regularly, but slowly the sharing of our writing has fallen by the wayside and been replaced totally by social interaction and business updates.
Two of my friends are now fully immersed in their small businesses, whilst my other friend has surrendered herself to the challenging and wonderful world of motherhood...all very important adventures. As I mentioned previously, I have returned to part-time teaching at my old school, but this time, I am teaching what I am passionate about...writing and books. This is a very exciting time for all of my friends, including me, but for different reasons.
After meeting with them recently, and hearing all their updates I felt satisfied on a social level. One of my friends who is busy growing her strategic based business 'Teak Yew' recently launched her Business Book Club and it was after listening to her speak of its success, I became very excited for her, but it made me miss one of the reasons we had decided to continue to meet up...and that was to share our thoughts about the books we were reading and our work we were currently writing.
So, with this in mind, Novel Tea 'n Pages has been born...beginning with a blog in order to jot down the process of setting up a Book & Writers' Club where people can meet up with others to discuss and share their favourite books and writing samples that they are currently working on.
This blog will serve multiple purposes. Space will be dedicated to books, writing, the club news and odds and ends. So, welcome...if you've happened to have stumbled upon this page...I hope you find something of interest. Obviously it is early days and today is just the start, but as time goes on, I hope to be able to build upon this foundation...
So, till next time...happy reading and writing.
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